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Hello there! I am Francis Elhelou,

And I can’t wait to meet you!

I am a Cyber Security expert by birth, an Artificial Intelligence engineer by choice.

Focused on business protection, process optimization, ethical and transparent AI, and user education.

Deep knowledge is the key to pulling off magic in this world, I strive on that. Let’s talk!

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Frequently Asked Qestions.

How is AI useful?

There are different kinds of smarts in the world of machines, but in general, AI is damn near perfect when we need to predict a result from a bunch of chaotic information that was generated by automated systems.

Why do we need Cyber Security?

When computers control nearly everything that we depend on to stay alive, from the equipment in a hospital to the wings of an airplane, when computers mess up people get hurt. Sometimes even die!

Unfortnately computers don’t only mess up on their own; people try to get them to mess up, because they want to make money! Pretty much like any criminal endangering people for a gain. 

Cyber Security is that branch of superheroes who keep those computers working like they were intended to work, saving our communities a lot of financial loss or worse. We just could not survive as a civilization without Cyber Security.

What does AI have to do with Cyber Security?

These two fields are coming so close together that they overlap and sometimes it is not possible to tell them apart.

AI comes into play to detect those events on a network and can alert us to something happening which we otherwise would not be able to detect due to the information coming in too fast, too large, or not structured clearly enough. 

In today’s life, AI and CS complement each other, but sometimes one can just not survive without the other.


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